Bellingham Repertory Dance is excited to present this special class taught by guest artist, Brian J Evans, as a part of the December DANCE DAYS winter series. Through improvisation and modern based movement, Brian J Evans offers a space for fellow artists to dig in to the ‘why’ of their movement and cultivate strategies for empowerment and intention. We’ll sweat, we’ll move, and generally do what we love while exploring it’s connection to each other, ourselves and how that situates itself in the world we work and perform in!
Pricing: $15 drop-in | $65 for a 5-class card | $10 with student ID
Brian J. Evans is a Citizen Artist, defined by the Aspen Institute Arts Program as an individual “who reimagine[s] the traditional notions of art-making, and who contribute[s] to society either through the transformative power of their artistic abilities, or through proactive social engagement with the arts in realms including education, community building, diplomacy and healthcare.” Mixing disciplines, mixing professions, and of mixed race, Brian J. Evans unpacks the “moments of suspension” that reside in the spaces between spaces. Convinced that connections exist between us all and it is the responsibility of the Arts to remind us to be holistically human, lest we forget. Courageous vulnerability and intentional equity keeps him aloft as he finds ways to give back and add to the communities, mentors, and ancestors who blazed trails and continue to do so! Evans is a recipient of a 2015 McKnight Dance Fellowship, administrated by The Cowles Center and funded by The McKnight Foundation. A former decade long principle dancer and musical director for Stuart Pimsler Dance & Theater, Evans believes it is the responsibility of the Arts to rediscover existing connections within humanity. He is currently finishing his final year of the Dance MFA Graduate program at the University of Washington (UW) Seattle Campus and was awarded the Howard P. Dallas Endowed Fellowship for his service on the UW dance department’s newly founded diversity community and serves as a liaison on the Divisional Arts Diversity Committee.